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360-degree Drone Coverage | The Misery Islands

Updated: Jun 16, 2019

Saturday June 8, 2019: Season 2 Episode 9

Welcome to the first drone footage covered in 360 degrees. I've just attached a 360 camera under the drone via a mount made for the phantom 4 pro series. This provides another perspective to drone flight, interacting with the video rather than just watching it. The 360 experience begins over the Misery Islands (Great Misery Island & Little Misery Island) off the Massachusetts north shore coast. This islands are an 87-acre natural reservation that was established in 1935. Enjoy!

Drone: DJI Phantom 4 Pro

Camera: Samsung Gear 360

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Unknown member
Jun 08, 2019

First-ever 360-degree drone coverage from TeBe Photographs!

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