Saturday November 23, 2019

Welcome to the 100th blog post of TeBe Photographs! Since October 2018, the site has been posting. This one hundredth blog continues with the collages and filtered photography. The series on La France is wrapped up and decided to make this one last collage of France (for now*). (*I'm destined to return back to the country at some point, so many more shots ahead.) Image above are selected places take in yellow filter. Top two are of La Rochelle: Vieux Port and Tour de la Chaîne & Tour Saint-Nicolas. Bottom two are Cathédrale Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Bazas and Château de Vincennes. Individual images and collage (above) are all available at TeBe Store as both digital and on physical products.
Check it out and others:
Physical - (12% off all products thru Holidays)
Digital - (20% off entire orders)
Inspire to image, explore, and capture the moment
#capturethemoment #cathedral #fortress #historic #larochelle #bazas #vincennes #france #travel #collage