Monday April 10, 2023:
Happy 100th day of 2023! As of today, TeBe Photographs' YouTube channel (previously known as just TeBe Photographs) is now named TeBe Productions. The new link to the channel is below. Since the channel is mainly drone footage (really all drone videos, for now) and not just photographs, the decision has been made to change the name to Productions (and of course keep TeBe, so TBP is still TBP). The channel keeps links to the website and social media accounts associated. TeBe Productions is fully video-based content, meaning the channel can go beyond drones. But, for now, new drone videos will be produced and added to the channel soon. In the meantime, enjoy the YouTube Shorts videos on select drone footage posted regularly. And don't forget to check out TeBe Drones (previously named Titan) @tebedrones on Instagram. 2023 is already providing changes to TeBe Photographs as a whole and more is definitely to come...
Drone: DJI Phantom 4 Pro
Drone 2: coming soon...
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Imagine | Explore | Capture