Monday June 24, 2019:

Happy Birthday to TeBe Photographs!
One year ago on June 24, 2018, TeBe Photographs (TBP) was launched beginning the inspiration to imagine, explore, and capture the many moments around. Since that time, the site has grown into multiple sections and expanded its presence beyond. Within the first week of the site's launch, TBP created its Facebook page and Instagram feed. In July, TBP was present in France taking the priceless captured moments. In August, TBP established its own channel on YouTube presenting drone montages of various adventures. Season 1 of drone coverage ran from then to December with season 2 running from this past February to now. In September, TBP opened its online store, TeBe Store, selling digital images. In October, TBP began posting blogs (Getting Started, Travel, Drone Montage, Photo of the Week, TeBe Store, and Community) and created a members page for interested people to join the site. In the turn of the new year, TeBe Store expanded itself to selling physical items. January also saw the introduction of astrophotography and space blogs. Recently, TBP has created a dedicated section for space with more content to be added. June has witnessed the beginning of 360-degree drone videos. There were more things involved with the growth of the site this past year that are not mentioned here because there is a lot to stay. This was just most of the highlights. With what's been done so far, TBP looks forward to another year and many more to come. Thank you for your support in TeBe Photographs and may the second year be a great one!
*Inspire to imagine, explore, and capture the moment*
Thank you and thanks for your support!
Happy birthday to a wonderful organization!